Maiden International Conference on Environmental Management and the Laudato Si

Maiden International Conference on Environmental Management and the Laudato Si


Fighting AIDS

Fighting AIDS

We are in solidarity with the afflicted, vulnerable, and handicapped in our midst

Lost Hope restored

Lost Hope restored

I was trafficked to Europe and came back with nothing, but Caritas Nigeria found me, trained and empowered me, and today I am doing well

Reversing Malnutrition

Reversing Malnutrition

We focus on lactating mothers and children under 5 years in rural communities to screen them for malnutrition and rehabilitate

Sustaining the fight against AIDS

Sustaining the fight against AIDS

We are at the forefront of reversing the global AIDS trend through partnership, innovative programming, and messaging

Democracy Watch!

Democracy Watch!

Entrenching Credible Elections and Good Governance in Nigeria

Your PVC is your Power

Your PVC is your Power

Caritas Nigeria sensitizes staff and sister agencies to participate in the forthcoming 2023 General elections

As Caritas Nigeria joins the world in advocating against Gender Based Voilence, staff working in the agencies of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) headquartered at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria lent their voices to the global campaign against gender-based violence (GBV).
At a Mass offered for victims and survivors of Gender Based violence (GBV), the National Director of Missio Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku, cited the connection between Catholic Social Teaching (which advocates for the safeguarding of the inherent dignity of the human person) and the global campaign against GBV, urged the workers to treat all people with equal respect and fairness.
Caritas Nigeria Gender Services Focal Person, Charles Aneni, equally sensitized the congregation about the several types of violence and preventive actions that could be taken to end GBV.

Health and HIV


Agriculture & Livelihoods


Good Governance


Humanitarian & Emergency


Anti-Human Trafficking










Development Spotlight

Monday, 09 May 2022 11:30

Monday, April 25th, to Friday, April 29th, 2022, was a huge development for Caritas Nigeria as 25 of her staff across Delta, Abia, and Enugu states  were trained  on additional clinical...

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